
的 永利app新版本官网地址 holds the 职业生涯 and 实习公平 twice a year at the Whittemore Center. 学生 and 雇主 are encouraged to meet and network.

2024春季职业生涯 & 实习展周

2月27日星期二 & 2月28日星期三

学生 from all class years and majors are encouraged to attend. 无须注册, but registering on 握手 helps students stay up-to-date on important news and updates. Keep tabs on the employers attending the 职业生涯 & 实习公平 by checking the employer registration list.


Job roles (marketing, training, analysts, etc.) can be found within many 行业, so we strongly encourage students to research the 行业 and kinds of job roles you are interested in, follow employers with those kinds of roles, and approach any employers that resonate with your interests. 



VMock is UNH's 24/7 virtual resume assistant that is is available for free for all 永利app新版本官网地址 students. This tool uses AI to provide customized suggestions and instant resume feedback based on criteria gat在这里d from employers and UNH resume standards. 这是理想的使用 prior to a visit to 职业培训时间 or an appointment with your CaPS counseling team. Simply create an account, upload your resume as a PDF, and VMock will:

  • 给 you line-by-line suggestions to improve your resume content based on your major and level of experience
  • Tell you how well you have marketed your communication skills, 领导经验, 以及对简历的影响
  • Score your resume based on employer criteria and UNH resume standards


1:00 - 3:00 PM
Weekly 职业培训时间 are a great way to get your questions answered. 学生 can also schedule 1:1 appointments with their college career team through 握手!

  • cep证书 | Kingsbury N111
  • CHHS |休伊特222
  • 可乐 |麦康奈尔188
  • COLSA |鲁德曼G04
  • 保罗 |保罗104
  • CPS | 只接受预约
  • 专业的大头照 |胡德屋二楼



  • 登录到 握手 -->Select 事件 -->Select  “招聘会” 过滤或 点击这里.
  • 研究 行业 and organizations that interest you and follow employers on 握手.
    • If you’re following an organization on 握手 and they register for one of the 人才招聘会往往会,我们会通知你的.
  • 审查 which organizations are attending each 职业生涯 Fair.
    • 组织 can sign up to attend.
  • 练习你的30秒演讲: introduce yourself, your skills, and why you are an excellent fit for their organization.
    • 的y will most likely ask you why you are interested in their organization specifically, so include these details in your pitch. Ask yourself, “What do I have to offer?”
  • Have copies of your resume ready to share.


  • 永远专业着装. 获得专业的着装建议.
  • 提前到达.
  • 眼神交流,微笑.
  • When speaking with your target companies, ask for email and/or LinkedIn information to send a thank you and get in contact with the recruiter after.
  • 在你一对一之后, 记笔记 to be sure you can remember key details or follow-up instructions from specific conversations.
  • If an organization asks you to apply online even after you share your resume, 别生气. Many companies have hiring policies that require every job applicant to be officially registered in their system.
  • Bring your phone to scan the check-in QR codes at employer tables to track who you meet with throughout the day. Don't forget to download the 握手 mobile app to streamline the check-in process!


Follow up with employers you have an interest in; send a quick thank you email and let them know you have completed the online application (if requested). A conversation today can lead to a job tomorrow!

    Advice Directly from 雇主 Attending Past 事件

    • 研究 organizations and 行业 beforehand
    • 着装得体
    • Offer to share your resume before being asked
    • Have questions prepared for the organization
    • Look into organizations outside of your initial radar; you never know what gems you’ll find
    • Know the type of position you are looking for
    • Treat every session like an interview

     的 事业和专业成功 (CaPS) 团队,加入 公民权利 & 股本的办公室, is committed to supporting and responding to concerns of discriminatory harassment, sexual violence and/or sexual harassment, 偏见, 仇恨犯罪, 欺凌或报复. If you as a student or alumni have experienced or think you may have experienced any form of such conduct, please report the incident to UNH’s Affirmative Action and 股本的办公室 在这里 and/or contact the 事业和专业成功 team at caps@xionzhan.net(603) 862-2070, or reach out directly to a trusted member of the CaPS team. 在一起,AA&EO and CaPS will work with you to address the matter and offer the support you may need.