

The following information is for undergraduate students at Durham or Manchester who are seeking a 病假. Students may qualify for a 病假 if they are taking a leave of absence for medical or psychological reasons. Undergraduate Durham or Manchester students leaving for reasons other than health or who do not wish to take a 病假 can find more information on the general leave of absence process 在这里.

Graduate students at Durham or Manchester seeking a leave of absence should 联系 Dovev Levine, Assistant Dean for Student Affairs, by email

法学院学生 seeking a leave of absence should 联系 布莱德 Hinton, Assistant Registrar, 电邮(布莱德.Hinton@law.主要研究.edu)或致电(603)513-5119.

CPS在线学生 seeking a leave of absence should 联系 蒂芙尼 Doherty, Director of Student Affairs 电邮(蒂芙尼.Doherty@主要研究.edu)或致电(603)513-1328.


During the fall and spring semesters, 上课的时候, students can request for a 病假 by 联系ing Michael Blackman, 教务长, 电邮(迪安.students@主要研究.edu)或致电(603)862-2053. The 病假 process may afford students some additional consideration regarding their grades and/or tuition. 然而, 才有资格请病假, students must have documentation from a licensed treatment provider justifying the need to take a leave for health reasons.

To request a 病假 after classes end, students must 联系 their college’s Associate Dean. If you receive any financial aid, the effective date of your leave of absence may affect your present and/or future financial aid. Please check with Business Services by calling (603) 862-2230.


请列印并填写 申请表,然后寄给Dr. 透过扫描/电邮(迪安.students@主要研究.edu)或传真(603).862.3550收件人:迈克尔·布莱克曼). Please note that UNH policy states that students are prohibited from returning until one full semester has elapsed after the semester when a student takes a health leave of absence.

Leave of Absence Supporting Letter

You will also need to request a letter from your treatment provider (physician, therapist, etc.).

Leave of Absence Sample Letter


  • be typed on office letterhead stationery or sent from a verified provider office email address;
  • indicate the diagnosis and/or specific nature of the health condition and the current status of that diagnosis/condition;
  • verify and support the condition as the reason for the leave of absence from UNH.

The letter should be sent to Dean 透过扫描/电邮(迪安.students@主要研究.edu)或传真(603)862-3550,收.:迈克尔·布莱克曼.

住房 & 住宅生活

If you live on campus, you must also complete the 房屋取消程序 and will need to check out of your residence hall/apartment. Students who are approved for a health leave are offered a partial refund calculated based on the date that they fully move out of housing.

If you presently live on campus and will require on-campus housing upon your intended return to UNH, 联系 住房 & 住宅生活. If your condition will require any physical modifications to your room/bathroom, 你必须通知房屋署 & 居住生活以及 学生无障碍服务 at least 12 weeks prior to your intended arrival.


If you have a meal plan, 联系 餐厅 regarding any potential refund.

保险 & 学生健康福利计划

You are responsible for determining how your leave of absence may affect your health insurance coverage. 如果你有 UNH Student 健康 Benefits Plan (SHBP), please 联系 Gregory Turcotte (格雷戈里.turcotte@主要研究.edu),如有任何问题.


Students who wish to return from a Leave of Absence for 健康 Reasons must complete a 申请表 并把它寄给医生. 透过扫描/电邮(迪安.students@主要研究.edu)或传真(603)862-3550.:迈克尔·布莱克曼 along with a Support Letter (see below). 

Please note that UNH policy states that students are prohibited from returning until one semester has elapsed following a leave of absence for health reasons. Students may inquire about the possibility of returning early by 联系ing the 教务长. Exceptions may be considered particularly in the case of a student taking the leave early in the semester.

Return from Leave of Absence Support Letter

You must obtain a letter from your health-care provider who has treated you since your departure. The health care provider's information will be reviewed by the 教务长.


  • be typed on office letterhead stationery or sent from a verified provide office email address
  • describe the extent of your treatment and the provider's assessment of your readiness to resume studies
  • include a description of the current status of your condition
  • describe any special needs you may require upon your arrival on campus

return from leave of absence samplE LETTER
The letter should be sent to Dr. 透过扫描/电邮(迪安.students@主要研究.edu)或传真(603)862-3550.:迈克尔·布莱克曼.