
We know that finances can be a barrier to starting college or completing your degree, 联合国大学有几十种资源, 选项, and opportunities to help you remove those barriers. 奖学金, 紧急供资资源, 金融援助, and financial wellness resources are all available to you.



The Student Emergency Financial Assistance Fund (SEFA) provides UNH undergraduate and graduate students who are unable to meet essential expenses due to a temporary or unexpected hardship with short-term financial assistance once per academic year. Funds will be available until the fund is exhausted. Funding may be limited due to high demand, so apply early.

申请SEFA请填写: Student Emergency Financial Assistance Request Form 

联合国大学法律系学生: To request SEFA, please email the Office of the Assistant Dean for Students at 劳伦.berger@law.主要研究.edu

Consider making a gift to the Student Emergency Financial Assistance fund. 教师 and staff can also arrange a gift through a payroll deduction by contacting Business Services at (603) 862-2230. 






Graduate Grants, 奖学金 and Fellowships


Visit the 金融援助 office to learn more about the aid available and how to apply! 我们强烈建议你申请 免费申请联邦学生资助 (FAFSA®) 看看你有什么资格. Completing the form does not commit you to any student loans but does help us determine eligibility. 


Financial aid that may be included in your aid package and provides funds for part-time employment. To use your work-study award, you must apply and get hired for a work-study job. To learn more about the Federal Work Study Program and look for available positions, visit UNH职业和专业服务s


The UNH 图书馆 has compiled a list of fantastic resources around financial literacy and resources available for students. 


It can be really challenging to access resources and support as an international student. Please visit this guide for a list of  resources available to international students! 








有200多个 全美有211家机构, 每个人都有一个富有同情心的团队, highly trained community specialists who are available to help you access the best local resources and services to address any need.

The 211 网work in the United States responds to more than 21 每年有数百万人请求帮助. 大多数电话, 网络聊天, and text messages are from people looking for help meeting basic needs like housing, 食物, 运输, 还有医疗保健.  Many diffe租金 kinds of organizations operate the 211 service, 包括联合慈善协会, 善意, 社区行动伙伴关系, 以及地方危机中心.

Thousands of caring, local experts are available to help, 24/7. Calls to 211 are confidential and can be anonymous.





Womenade (See Below for regional locations) – Womenade assists men, 女性, and children by providing financial assistance for basic living expenses such as 食物, 租金, 公用事业公司, 汽车维修, 和天然气. In some circumstances, Womenade can provide financial assistance in times of specific crisis. 为了得到Womenade的援助, the individual or family must be referred via an e-mail to Womenade by an approved validator such as a local school, 医生, 教堂, or other area non-profit and be a resident in the area served. 

电子邮件: or女性ade@comcast.网
Area Served: Durham, Lee, Madbury, and Newmarket


地址:邮政信箱653,斯特拉瑟姆,NH 03885 
电子邮件: 女性adeofgr.squamscott@comcast.网

服务地区:布伦特伍德, 东金斯敦, 埃克塞特, 肯辛顿, Newfields, 处理, 以及周边地区


地址:邮政信箱4154,朴茨茅斯,NH 03802 
电子邮件: requests@女性aidportsmouth.org
Area served: Greenland, Newington, New Castle, Portsmouth and Rye



Dover Address: PO Box 385, Dover, NH 03820 Phone: (603) 617-6942
电子邮件: doversharefund@gmail.com
Funding for those in emergency one time situations for 租金, 抵押贷款, 药物治疗, 汽车修理(如果工作需要), 公用事业等. 根据具体情况决定. Must have denial from City Welfare and exhausted all other forms of assistance

Rochester Address: 150 Wakefield Street, Suite 14, Rochester, NH 03839 Phone: (603) 335-0011
电子邮件: info@sharefund.org
SHARE Fund is a nonprofit charitable outreach agency which provides various types of material and financial support to families and individuals in need during emergencies or times of severe hardship. Our primary goal is to provide the needed resources of 食物, shelter, and clothing. Strafford County: Area Served: East Rochester, Farmington, Gonic and Rochester

这个列表并不详尽. 搜索 to see if your town offers a share fund or emergency fund for residents. 



The Department of 健康 and Human Services offers online services through NH EASY Gateway to Services, 新罕布什尔州的电子申请系统. 学习如何申请援助, 检查合格, 跟踪您的申请状态, and more by visiting the NH EASY Gateway to Services web page. 你可以申请现金, 医疗, 粮食援助, 照顾孩子, Medicare Beneficiary and Long Term Care Assistance through the NH简易网关 and learn about additional community resources you may be eligible for. 



The Town of Durham provides emergency assistance to individuals and families who lack adequate resources. The Welfare Office acts to facilitate services by directing those in need of assistance to relief agencies at the county, 州一级和联邦一级, as well as to non-profit organizations who provide assistance to the needy. We strive to promote self–reliance and independence to all we serve so they may be productive members of this community.

Note: Students who are post-secondary education students and are not available for or refusing to seek full-time employment are not eligible for general assistance.